MSc(Econ Dev) FRSA
Expert adviser and consultant, public services and local growth
Leading innovation, transformation and change adviser, consultant and facilitator, policy and communications specialist. Thought leader.

Supporting the national agenda:
Inclusive, impactful local growth achieved through and benefiting public services improvement
Achieving improved and accelerated national growth realised through enhanced prosperity in every local authority area
- Building place’s and people’s resilience
- Systemic, collaborative and integrated working
- Improving impact and outcomes
- Realising productivity and efficiencies
- Devolution and self-sufficiency
Extensive experience of working with organisations, internationally, nationally, sub-nationally and locally on ‘whole system’, innovative approaches to growth and development, service provision and making things work better and more efficiently for local people.
An influential and successful record of addressing key challenges around the cities, devolution, combined authorities, growth and productivity agenda, health and social care integration, expenditure and provision.
Building resilience, locality working, social capital also through Troubled Families, Children’s Centres and other programmes considering prevention, early intervention and behaviours, improved customer contact, care pathways, processes and organisational/structural change for impacts on outcomes and resources.
International development, growth, planning, regeneration, basic and essential services provision work focussing on strengths-based working, localisation, building all kinds of resilience, sub-national activity, cities, improving systems for service delivery, growth, self-sufficiency, development and ‘peace-conducive economic development’.
Policy work
Ongoing ‘Expert Adviser’ policy work to the UK Prime Minister’s office, Whitehall, the Labour Party (since 2000’s), the London Assembly, independent reviews and global programmes.
This has included work across the UK Government on Spending Reviews, also the Lyons Review into Local Government, informing the ‘place shaping’ and economic development agendas. Advised on the scoping, steering and conclusions of the Treasury’s Sub-National Review of Economic Development. Expert evidence contributed to the Number 10 Strategy Unit report on Deprived Areas which called for an economic emphasis in local efforts for regeneration. Advised the Allen Review on Early Intervention.
‘Growth Coalitions’
Devised the ‘Growth Coalitions’ and ‘Smart Local Government’ project which, through a whole-systems approach identified, created and integrated the synergy between the public service reform, inclusion and growth agendas. The UK government recently commissioned an essay on ‘Growth Coalitions’ to inform their ‘Future of Cities’ Foresight project. This ongoing ‘Growth Coalitions’ work currently influences a number of domestic and global programmes to promote city, sub-national, national and trans-national growth and development, including those addressing the benefit of good public financial management systems.
The ‘Growth Coalitions’ project applies findings from academic research on city growth, in the context of an appreciation of the outcomes derived from practice on the ground. It provides a whole system framework for realising enhanced levels of city growth and citizens’ well-being on the basis that the economy has considerable influence on these factors. ‘Smart Local Government’ provides a tailored, practical application of ‘Growth Coalitions’ methodologies.
Commissioned to write think pieces, essays and provide comments for the UK Government, TV News, The Guardian, The Observer, Local Government Chronicle, The Municipal Journal, Regeneration and Renewal and New Start, academic journals and made presentations to LGC, The MJ, LGA, CIPFA, NLGN and other conferences on these issues. Podcasts and Webcasts.
Expert guest at London Assembly’s Economy Committee, September 2018 to discuss the role and effectiveness of the London Economic Action Partnership (LEAP), London’s Local Economic Partnership (LEP).
Podcast with Professor Tony Travers, LSE on Devolution and Local Government, Policy Review TV, May 2015
TV interview
Interviewed on ITV News re. Devolution and the London Living Wage, April 2016, see 1:15
‘Building the growth narrative’, The Municipal Journal, October 2024
‘Back to a better place’, The Municipal Journal, October 2024
‘Labour’s local vision for growth’, The Municipal Journal, April 2024
‘Autumn Statement: Promoting local pro-growth coalitions’, The Municipal Journal, August 2022
Extended quote on privately owned public spaces (Pops), The Week, October 2017
Extended quote on privately owned public spaces (Pops), The Guardian, September 2017
‘A systemic approach to powering growth and transforming public services’, Public Finance International, June 2016‘The effects of devolution and combined authorities on the outsourcing market’, Global Sourcing Association, 2016
‘Growth coalitions: a whole-system approach to city development & economic growth’, UK Government, February 2016
‘Growth as the new agenda going forward’, The Municipal Journal, November 2015 ‘Back to the noughties how place based working needs a revamp’, Local Government Chronicle, September 2015
‘Realising combined authorities for the Spending Review’, The Municipal Journal, August 2015
‘Devolution could be just another path to privatisation of public services’, The Guardian, July 2015
‘Growing pains’ , The Municipal Journal, June 2015
‘Peace Through Prosperity’, iNGO International Alert, June 2015
Extensively quoted in piece on devolution plans, The Observer, May 2015
Extended quoted response to devolution plans, The Guardian, May 2015
‘Selective devolution or a growth and public service reform role for all’, The Municipal Journal, May 2015
‘LAs can help realise the NHS’s ‘Five Year Forward View’, The Municipal Journal, February 2015
‘Aspiration for ambitious areas’, The Municipal Journal, February 2015
‘Leading integrated health and social care’, The Municipal Journal, January 2015
‘Developing Integration’, The Municipal Journal, October 2014
‘Leading the place beyond 2015’, The Municipal Journal, October 2014
‘Whole system change is the only option’, Local Government Chronicle, June 2014
‘Driving forward on ‘people-powered public services’, The Municipal Journal, June 2014
‘Delivering better when funding is frozen or falling’, The Municipal Journal, March 2014
‘From piecemeal to wholesale public service reform’, Local Government Chronicle, February 2014
‘Making the Better Care Fund work locally’, The Municipal Journal, January 2014
‘Promoting sustainable local economic development’, Local Economy, December 2013, 28(7-8) 914-920
‘Going for growth coalitions’, The Municipal Journal, November 2013
‘An opportunity for LEPs and local authorities to work together’, Local Government Chronicle, July 2013
‘Going for growth fund’, The Municipal Journal, June 2013
‘Heseltine’s growth plans’, The Municipal Journal, May 2013
‘A new dynamic for local areas’, Local Government Chronicle, January 2013
‘Troubled families and local services’, The Guardian, May 2012
‘Community budgets miss the point’, The Guardian’, October 2011
‘Why open public services’, The Guardian, July 2011
‘Becoming fit for purpose through leadership’, The Guardian, March 2011
‘Communities of Interest’, The Municipal Journal, March 2011
‘A business strategy for growing local’, The Municipal Journal, August 2010
‘Why LSPs are core to Total Place’, The Municipal Journal, April 2010
‘Sharing the lessons from the pilots’, The Municipal Journal Total Place supplement, February 2010
‘We need to remodel service provision – not tinker’, Local Government Chronicle, December 2009
‘Brown reveals his local economic masterplan’, Regeneration and Renewal, July 2007
‘Linking strong, prosperous communities with smart local government’, New Start, November 2006
‘Local Government Needs to get smart’, Policy Review, July 2006
‘Convergence theory’, New Start, May 2006
’Smart coalition on growth’, Policy Review, January 2006
‘Growth coalitions and ‘smart’ local government’, IDeA Knowledge feature article, November 2005
‘How to…put together a growth coalition’, page 14, New Start, April 2005
‘How to…put together a growth coalition’, page 15, New Start, April 2005
‘Growth coalitions and community cohesion’, IDeA Knowledge feature article, September 2004
‘A culture of growth’, New Start, April 2004, New Start, April 2004
‘Mutual appreciation society’, New Start, February 2003
See contributions to Regeneration and Renewal magazine’s evaluation lessons:
‘Policy must build on SRB success’, April 2007
‘Local success; regional challenges, March 2007
‘No collaboration halts LSP progress, February 2006
‘NDCs have had a ‘modest’ impact’, January 2006
‘City Growth goals remain unclear’, October 2005
‘Initiative boosts keyworker living’, October 2005
‘Early days and little impact for LSPs’, Sept 2005
‘LSPs must support the third secto, August 2005
‘Mums benefit from friendly support, June 2005
‘Excluded kids can rise to challenge’, May 2005
Israel/Palestine Centre for Research and Information. Setting agenda/writing discussion papers for “Oslo round” multilateral peace talks. Fineberg. A. ‘Regional cooperation in the tourism industry’, Israel/Palestine-Issues in Conflict-Issues for Co-operation. Vol. 2 (6) August 1993
Abstract, Masters degree thesis, Partnerships for local economic development. A cross-Atlantic comparative study of initiatives between the public and private sectors, 1992
Further webcasts
Troubled Families, The MJ conference: Tackling Troubled Families, Early Intervention strategies for success, London, 20 September 2012, Key Issue Seminar: Progressive models for local integrated working around the family
Community Based Budgeting, The MJ conference: The Next Step in Total Place, London, 10 February 2011, Presentation: Learning Lessons: community budgets, enhanced outcomes and realising efficiencies – what’s required to meet the challenges
Total Place, The MJ conference: Tackling worklessness through local partnerships, London, 26 October 2010, Presentation: Growth coalitions and smart local government – incentivising growth-focussed integrated local services to alleviate worklessness
Total Place, The MJ conference: A new opportunity? London, 18 Feb 2010, Interactive seminar: Progressing Total Place type activity across your locality
The LGA conference: Key messages from the pilot process and lessons for roll-out, 20 May 2005, Presentation: LEGI, ‘growth coalitions’ and ‘smart local government’
Further details on themes and experience, also recomendations available on LinkedIn
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Call: + 44 7949 705152
Growth coalitions ltd.
Company number 09044733
Registered office address: 3rd Floor, Lawford House, Albert Place, London, England, N3 1QA